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Shungite Jewerly

What is shungite and why would I want to wear it?

Shungite is a rare black stone made of 50 to 99 percent carbon, depending upon the type stone.
It is from the region of Karelia, Russia and is named after the nearest village, Shunga.

Shungite has a unique composition and much of its potential benefit to humans are from the fullerenes, or 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms. These molecules are hollow and sometimes called buckyballs, named after Buckminster Fuller.

Along with fullerenes, shungite contains nearly all the minerals on the periodic table.

The origin of shungite is a mystery. Typically, materials made of carbon come from decayed organic substances like old forests. But the stone is thought to be at least 2 billion years old. This is before organic life existed on the planet.

Although scientists are unsure of how shungite was formed or where it came from, they attribute the stone’s potential benefits to its fullerene content.

Considerable studies have been completed and indicate that Shungite can modify the parameters of the human auric field and reinforce the first chakra energy. This allows our human body to correct the harmful interference of EMFs around us.

Wearing black shungite may help to transform EMFs including 5G into a biocompatible and positive energy helping you to keep your chakras balanced and working in harmony to create a healthier you!


Just 8 beads are enough to help you transform all EMFs around you into a more benefical energy that supports your healty aura. Each one is hand made by Faye and no two are exactly alike. All are made with genuine Russian Shungite and natural stones.

If you need a different size, contact me via email with your requested size and I will make it for you.


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Shungite bracelet with adventurine.

8 mm beads. Regular size 7 Inches in diameter.




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Shungite and Coral Bracelet

8mm shungite 10 mm coral beads.

7 inches in diameter



8 Inches in diameter




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Shungite and Dragon Agate

Shungite and Dragon Agate Bracelet

Regular size 7 -7.5 inches

Large 8 - 8.5 Inches




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